Saturday 30 June 2012

Finally found this on youtube, excellent documentary on A41 Eagles & porthcawl rally. Had a nightmare journey on the way back from this rally either the year before or after the one shown. Rode home on my own with about £2.50 on me after filling the tank, then my T5 seized up & died whilst crossing the severn bridge. No  AA or or breakdown cover so the bridge recovery van  rescued me from the bridge(no hard shoulder) & put my scooter in their compund. At the sevices I managed to cadge a lift on the back of a lad from peterboro S.C. who took me as far as Oxford where I tried to hitch for about two hours until I eventually phoned a mate back home, who came & picked me up. Had to then hire a van the following week to pick the scooter up & also got a bill from highways agency for taking scoot off the bridge & storing it! How I laughed!!

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