Saturday 15 December 2012

"Groovy Times"

13th Floor Elevators with the awsome Roky Erickson. Look up Roky on  youtube for some killer tunes!!

Thursday 13 December 2012

My new scoot

Just knocked this up at college today from a few a bits lying around the workshop..............................................................................what?!

Monday 10 December 2012


Found these on A great blog that features some lovely motorcycles aswell as some extremely fashionable people. I think the signage on the top two is done by an artist called Nico whose blog is

Sunday 2 December 2012


I`ve got magazines in every room in the house but the bulk of them are stashed in this old case, I`ve bought every copy of scootering magazine from april 1991 up to about 3 years ago, since then i`ve bought pretty much most of them.These, as well as vw magazines & Back street heroes, are taking over the house & garage so its time to stop, so far i`ve done about 3 weeks without buying a magazine. Finding it tough but gonna hang in there!!